Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Good Intentions

Why is it that so many of us live our lives in the land of good intentions? I intended to have supper on the table, I intended to have the house cleaned, I intended to finish that sewing project, I intended to play a game with my kids, I intended to pray for so-and-so…I believe this problem has to do with the priorities I mentioned earlier. I heard Nancy Leigh DeMoss speak at an EWomen conference a few years ago and something she said has stuck with me. I don’t know if I’m quoting her verbatim or not, but it went something like this…”You may not have enough time to complete all the things on your to-do list for today, but you have exactly enough time to complete the to-do list God has prepared for you.” If we would just give our day to Him and let Him decide what’s important, we would live our lives doing the important rather than just the urgent.

I am reminded of the illustration of the jar with rocks, pebbles, and sand in it. The size of rock, pebble, sand is relative to the importance of the task. God things are rocks. If we put sand in our jar, then pebbles, then rocks, the rocks don’t fit. But if we put the rocks into our lives first, then the pebbles, then the sand, it all fits. It’s rather amazing, really, but our lives work like that. Yesterday, we started school late because I chose to take some extra time for prayer first. And guess what? We finished early! God is good – all the time!

So, let’s try to move away from the land of good intentions and into the land of God intentions. Let’s do what God intends for us to do today.

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