Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Prayer Reminder from a Child

My daughter, age five, and I were driving the other day. As we waved at the neighbors, she said, “I’m sad because they don’t know Jesus.” We talked about the fact that we need to love them anyway. And then she said, “Could we pray about it now?” I, of course, said yes, and she began. It went something like this, “Dear Jesus, please help the (last name) to believe in you, to know the truth, so they can go to heaven when they die.”
There is a lesson here for all of us. Even those of us who are actively ministering to others sometimes get wrapped up in serving them without stopping to regularly pray for them. I know I’ve been guilty of this many times. I’ve talked several times with this neighbor and told her about my beliefs. I’ve tried to do kind things for her. I even asked someone in my local church family to pray for her. But did I stop to pray? No. But my daughter did. I’m proud of her and humbled by her faith.
So, whatever you’re doing, take time out to pray for those around you - especially those who don’t know Jesus. Because just like my daughter, it makes God sad.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Urgency of Prayer

Prayer. Pray without ceasing. Talk to God. What does this mean to you?

Does your prayer life look like this?
In the morning, you get up, look at your Bible and think to yourself, “I really need to have Quiet Time today,” as you walk by. At meals, you might say a quick, “thank you for this food,” but maybe only if you’re with other people - or maybe only if you’re alone. At bedtime, you fall into bed, too tired to read the Bible you ignored all day, but you want to make sure you pray, so you begin. “Dear Lord, thank you for this day. Thank you for...” and your brain remembers something else, so you interrupt your prayer - just for a second - to think about that. And then you’re asleep, only to begin the process again another day.
Even when we think things like, “I really need to pray about that,” we often don’t follow through. The phrase “the tyranny of the urgent” seems to win out most days. 
So, I want you to think with me for a moment. What is the urgent? Is the urgent your job? Checking your e-mail or favorite blogs? Seeing what’s up with your friends on facebook? Catching the game when your favorite team is playing? Getting your oil changed on time? Ladies, some of you won’t leave the house without make-up on, but you’ll leave the house spiritually naked.
But the eternal things are really so much more urgent. We do not know the time or the day of Christ’s return or our deaths. Are you praying for the salvation of family members, co-workers, neighbors, those you receive e-mails from, those you are facebook friends with? Do you pray for your country and the wisdom of its leaders? Do you pray for your schedule to make sure you’re making time for God’s priorities, not yours? Do you pray for wisdom as you walk and talk throughout the day?
And when I ask, “Do you pray?” I don’t mean, did you say, “God bless Mama, God bless Papa, God bless America.” I mean, did you quiet your heart and seek the face of God. Did you intercede on behalf of those around you? Did you model genuine, repentant prayer to those around you? Did you pray for the well-being of the person being loaded into the ambulance as you drive by, even though you’re frustrated because the accident   will cause you to be late to work?
Friends, we need to take our eyes off ourselves and look around. Seek God’s heart. Ask him to bring to mind those who need prayer. And let’s stop putting prayer on the back burner. Because it is both important and urgent.