Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dare 4

Today was an easy one on the surface. I didn't think it would be difficult at all. But timing proved to be a struggle for me, as my husband is so good at this one - he does it multiple times daily. It seemed somehow not the right time to follow right after him, lest it seem insincere.

Try vs Train

I recently heard someone say that we are really good at trying, but not always very good at training. This idea can apply to much of our lives. I could go out today and try to win a marathon, but if I haven't trained for it, my chances are nonexistent. I can say I'll try to keep my house clean, stay calm with the kids, send a card every week, and whatever else I have good intentions for. But unless I train to do those things, they are not going to consistently happen.

So, what is training? According to the dictionary (, to train is to develop or form the habits, thoughts, or behavior by discipline and instruction; to make proficient by instruction and practice. We need to learn and practice. Over and over again. For the long haul. It wouldn't do me much good to train for that marathon and, once I was ready to run one, quit training before the race.

I am striving to train. To train myself to have good habits - quiet time, exercise, eating right, etc. And to train up my children in the way they should go. Won't you train with me?

Dare 3

Yesterday was easy and fun! And well received. Looking forward to today.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Secret of God

My two-year old said to me, "Mommy, do you know what I discovered?...I discovered the secret of God!" Hmmm. Think on that for a while.

Dare 2

Well, today was not as easy as yesterday. It required time. Homeschooling four kids, being generally disorganized, and trying to get ready for vacation doesn't leave a lot of excess time. But time is a great indicator if priority. Is God our first priority? Do we give him time? Is my spouse a priority? Do I give him time? Time to spend with him? Time to serve him? Are my kids a priority? do I take the time to listen to whatever is on their minds? Even if it is not important to me? These are the thoughts that ran through my mind today. What thoughts are running through yours?

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Love Dare

Hi. If any of you saw the movie Fireproof, you know all about this. For those of you who haven't seen the movie, you should go see it! It was great! The Love Dare is 40 days worth of challenges for anyone looking to improve his or her marriage. I happen to have a great marriage, but since my husband and I are both human, and therefore sinners, I am accepting the dare. I thought you might like to follow along.

Just a note. As appropriate, I am implementing these tasks with my children as well. After all, we are to love them, too! :)

As I probably shouldn't give too much away, I won't necessarily be listing the actual dares. I will try to simply focus on my experience.

Today, day 1, was specifically mentioned in the movie, so I'll tell you...say nothing negative. I succeeded! I have completed the challenge successfully. It was a little more difficult with my children than my husband, but I did it.

My tendency is to raise my voice when saying negative things. Interestingly, I read this section last night and prayed for God to help me stay calm and positive. I wanted to make sure I didn't mess up the challenge before my day even got started! Anyway, wouldn't you know, I woke up with a sore throat. Rest assured, God answers prayers!