I hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving with family and friends. Make some memories! And don’t forget the One to whom we owe everything. It is easy to ignore God when things are going well. Let’s let Thanksgiving be a day when we don’t ask for things, but just show appreciation for what we have. I appreciate way more things than I thank Him for. Today, I am especially thankful for Him loving me enough to send Jesus – for me! I am thankful for my wonderful husband and four terrific kids. I am thankful for the relationships I have with my parents and siblings. I am thankful for my husband’s family. I am thankful for my church family. I am thankful for the community of Christian homeschoolers that has sprung up in my area. I am thankful for many good friends. I am thankful for the freedom to worship that we have in this country. I am thankful that my husband has a good job, that we have a nice home, and that we have plenty of food to eat. I am thankful for all those things and so many more. God is good! All the time!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
A Tribute to Parents
Sometimes we forget to let people know when we appreciate them. We take God for granted; we take our family for granted. We usually are far better at acknowledging the things friends do than things family does. I just want to go on record saying that I appreciate my family. I appreciate the wonderful family I have now, but I especially want to say how much I appreciate the family God birthed me into. I was, and still am, blessed to have such wonderful, godly parents. I don’t know why God chooses to place some people in wonderful families and others in difficult families. I cannot fathom the mind of God, but I am blessed by his choice for me.
I was raised in a godly home with parents who exemplified godly living. They were a shining example of what a godly marriage and home should look like. I still look to them for guidance and support. I pray I can be the same kind of example to my kids. Mom and Dad, I love you. Thanks.