Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving with family and friends. Make some memories! And don’t forget the One to whom we owe everything. It is easy to ignore God when things are going well. Let’s let Thanksgiving be a day when we don’t ask for things, but just show appreciation for what we have. I appreciate way more things than I thank Him for. Today, I am especially thankful for Him loving me enough to send Jesus – for me! I am thankful for my wonderful husband and four terrific kids. I am thankful for the relationships I have with my parents and siblings. I am thankful for my husband’s family. I am thankful for my church family. I am thankful for the community of Christian homeschoolers that has sprung up in my area. I am thankful for many good friends. I am thankful for the freedom to worship that we have in this country. I am thankful that my husband has a good job, that we have a nice home, and that we have plenty of food to eat. I am thankful for all those things and so many more. God is good! All the time!

Friday, November 16, 2007

A Tribute to Parents

Sometimes we forget to let people know when we appreciate them. We take God for granted; we take our family for granted. We usually are far better at acknowledging the things friends do than things family does. I just want to go on record saying that I appreciate my family. I appreciate the wonderful family I have now, but I especially want to say how much I appreciate the family God birthed me into. I was, and still am, blessed to have such wonderful, godly parents. I don’t know why God chooses to place some people in wonderful families and others in difficult families. I cannot fathom the mind of God, but I am blessed by his choice for me.

I was raised in a godly home with parents who exemplified godly living. They were a shining example of what a godly marriage and home should look like. I still look to them for guidance and support. I pray I can be the same kind of example to my kids. Mom and Dad, I love you. Thanks.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Good Intentions

Why is it that so many of us live our lives in the land of good intentions? I intended to have supper on the table, I intended to have the house cleaned, I intended to finish that sewing project, I intended to play a game with my kids, I intended to pray for so-and-so…I believe this problem has to do with the priorities I mentioned earlier. I heard Nancy Leigh DeMoss speak at an EWomen conference a few years ago and something she said has stuck with me. I don’t know if I’m quoting her verbatim or not, but it went something like this…”You may not have enough time to complete all the things on your to-do list for today, but you have exactly enough time to complete the to-do list God has prepared for you.” If we would just give our day to Him and let Him decide what’s important, we would live our lives doing the important rather than just the urgent.

I am reminded of the illustration of the jar with rocks, pebbles, and sand in it. The size of rock, pebble, sand is relative to the importance of the task. God things are rocks. If we put sand in our jar, then pebbles, then rocks, the rocks don’t fit. But if we put the rocks into our lives first, then the pebbles, then the sand, it all fits. It’s rather amazing, really, but our lives work like that. Yesterday, we started school late because I chose to take some extra time for prayer first. And guess what? We finished early! God is good – all the time!

So, let’s try to move away from the land of good intentions and into the land of God intentions. Let’s do what God intends for us to do today.

Monday, October 29, 2007


Matthew 6:33 (NASB) says, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” A familiar verse to many of us, and yet we don’t always choose to live by it. As a homeschooling mom, I often find myself becoming stressed over curriculum choices, scheduling conflicts, electives, and time management. As a result, sometimes the spiritual growth of my children – and of me – takes a backseat to academics and activities. I sometimes need to step back and remind myself that all the academics in the world, all the musical talent, etc., will amount to nothing without a solid foundation in Christ. Please know that I am not advocating lessening our academic standard, only that we put first things first. Christ, as Lord, deserves first place in our lives and I want Him to take first place in the lives of my children. So, I desire that our family, our home, and our education be given over into His control. If I have not prayed for my day, I should not begin it. When I spend time with Him, then He can order my day, my choices, and my schedule.

BTW, Seek ye First the Kingdom of God is a great children’s song!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

O Be Careful, Little Eyes

As I often sing little Sunday School ditties with my kids, I am struck by the thought that as adults, we tend to forget these little songs and as children, we may not always pay attention to what we sing. We all know what Jesus Loves Me says and what it means to us. But how many of us stop to think about the words to other songs that we used to sing, that some of us still sing, or that we sing with our kids.

Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see.
Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see.
For the Father up above is looking down in love,
So be careful little eyes, what you see.

Oh, be careful little ears what you hear…

Oh, be careful little mouth what you say...

Oh, be careful little hands, what you do...

Oh, be careful little feet, where you go...

Some of these songs – like this one, have a message still applicable to us as adults and we’d do well to listen. This one speaks of avoiding temptation. The Bible talks about this in Proverbs 7. We often refer to it as “Don’t play with fire.” The simple fact is that what our children sing, we can learn from.

If we are careful about what we look at…what TV shows, movies, books, magazines, websites,…

If we are careful about what we listen to…what music, speakers, friends,…

If we are careful about what we say…what words we choose, what jokes we tell, what gossip we pass on,…

If we are careful about what we do…what clothes we wear, what items we purchase, what we spend our time and money on,…

If we are careful about where we go…

If we choose wisely what we see, hear, say, do, and where we go, then we will avoid untold sin and heartache.

My church body has recently incorporated children’s songs into our Sunday morning worship. Perhaps we should all consider singing to the Lord in this way.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

With My Mind

It is my desire to love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, strength, and mind. God did not ask us to serve Him blindly, but gave us minds to think with and plenty of evidence to prove Himself to us. Here, I hope to use my mind to ponder the truths of scripture, explore the various types of worship, and consider the challenges and joys of living for Christ. Please feel free to respectfully share your thoughts with me.